What if you had a more loving and supportive relationship with yourself. You could elevate your energy and connect to your centre. You were less swayed by fear based thoughts, worry and anxiety. Your body and breath become your inner sanctuary and refuge. You could override self-doubt, harsh, judgmental and self-sabotaging thoughts. You felt calmer and more positive in the mind.

If the above speaks to you I’m running a 4 Part Self-Discovery Workshop Series to ‘ELEVATE YOU’.


A 4-part self-discovery workshop series to help you deepen the connection you have to yourself and to elevate your mind. 


Dates: Thursday 5th, Wednesday 11th, Wednesday 18th and Wednesday 25th May.

This is a multifaceted workshop series that includes yoga, meditation, visualisations, breath practices and self-discovery workbooks.

Many of us are subconsciously, or consciously, living our lives from fear based thoughts that manifest through us in different ways. Us humans are programmed for survival so we are constantly scanning for danger, which means we are led by fear, unless we’re consciously thinking differently. As neuroscience has proven our brains are malleable so we can rewire habitual thinking and reactions, so we can live our lives from a more empowered place. 

This WORKSHOP SERIES is for you if. .

You want to be able to tap into courage and see fear as a sign of growth but you’re consumed by worry and anxiety.

You wish you could do things without doubting yourself and without being afraid but your inner critic has a strong hold on you and causes you to self-sabotage. 

You wish you could see through a more positive and abundant lens but the negative bias is strong and you get affected easily by what other people are projecting. 

You want to be calm and collected but you’re feeling overwhelmed or lacklustre with life.

You wish you could be less reactive and less controlled by your habitual reactions but they’re so deep rooted it feels impossible to navigate them. 

You want to be able to shine and act from your true sense of self but your mind gets in the way.

You want to do more yoga and mindfulness practices to get to know yourself on a deeper level so you can respond more from your heart than your head.

this course will help you to. . . .

  • Self-regulate so you can shift into a calmer and less triggered state.

  • Emotionally regulate so you’re not so swept away by your emotions and triggers in your life.

  • Cultivate greater self-awareness so you can see yourself more clearly and implement positive change.

  • Befriend your inner critic so it becomes your inner ally and works for you not against you.

  • Cultivate a positive bias so it becomes your default mode.

  • Widen your lens of perception so you can see more clearly.

  • Elevate your energy so it’s aligned with who you truly are.

  • Connect to your body and breath so it becomes an inner sanctuary.


Imagine if. . .

You were less triggered by things happening in your day and you could shift your mindset to see through different lenses. 

You could shift your body into different energetic states and you were less ruled by your habitual reactions. 

You were more connected to an inner feeling of abundance and projecting that out into the world rather than a feeling of not feeling good enough. 

You saw through the lens of appreciation rather than seeing what you lack.

You could move into your day knowing that your inner voice fully supports you and didn’t go against you. 

Your mind fell on the positive bias and you were less ruled by your negative bias. 

You could stand up to fear based thoughts, have the courage to step outside your comfort zone and think bigger than you have done before. 

You were less ruled by anxiety and worry and you could consciously projected out into the world the energy you want to be. 

You could shift into a more elevated state and do thing you truly desire.


what will the workshops cover?


Book by midnight on Wednesday 4th May and receive :-

2x private yoga / coaching session with me (valued at £300)

the offer

4 workshops each 75 - 90 minutes (valued at £200).

Weekly self-discovery workbook with journal prompts & affirmations (valued at £40).

Weekly breath practice to explore (valued at £40).

Weekly meditation practice to explore (valued at £40)

Weekly yoga flow to explore (valued at £40).

Facebook group to connect with others that will support you (priceless). 


What People Are Saying. . .


“Jess's work is truly transformational. After my last retreat with her I wrote in my journal that I felt ‘Elevated’ and then it clicked in my mind that that was the title of the retreat. This is what Jess does - she leaves you feeling elevated in body and mind. Her teachings are incredibly uplifting and poignant for this time. For anyone looking to elevate their mindset and invite more abundance go to Jess”

- ULA -

“Jess is such an inspiration for me. She has incredibly positive energy and a great sense of calmness.

I love the way she combines yoga and its philosophy with scientifically backed practices. Jess is so passionate and enthusiastic about the work she does and this lights a fire within you. She has inspired me over and over again to take the reins to elevate my mind, so I can live the most abundant life possible.”

- ANNA -

“Jess has been such a positive influence on my life. Her guidance and teachings has led me to make the most positive changes for me and my life. I have such abundance in my life because of Jess. She continues to inspire me to do this work as a self-practice and I’m really seeing the positive affects flitter out into each day. If you’re looking to create a positive shift and uplift your life Jess is a wonderful teach to support with that.”

- Rachel -


How long do I have access?
I will send you the recording for each workshop so you can download it and rewatch as you please. You’ll have lifetime access to the weekly practices. I will put them all on a private link, which I’ll share with everyone who does the workshop series.

What if I can’t make it each week?
No problem if you can’t make a live. I’ll send you the recording to do in your own time.

What is the refund policy?
If you attend the first workshop, do all the practice and self-discovery workbook and decide that it’s not for you I will offer you a full refund. This is only available at the end of the first week and before the 11th May.

What if I’m new to this? 
If you are completely new too yoga that is ok. The workshops will include a physical practice but it will be open level and designed for you to feel embodied.


Find me at : www.jessicawoodyoga.com

Instagram : @jessicawoodyoga

Hi, I’m Jess,

I’m a yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher. I’ve been teaching since 2015 in and around London and now I’m based online. 

In my early twenties I really struggled with anxiety and overwhelm and I had insomnia for around 5 years. I felt exhausted, anxious, unhappy with the direction my life was heading and overwhelmed with cultural pressures. I had enough of feeling this way, so took action. Through CBT, my yoga and mindfulness practices I have befriended my mind and rewired my brain. Not only have I managed to take the reins of my mind I’m now using the power of my mind to elevate my life. 

This is a continuous life journey of self-discovery, enquiry and reflection. With the right tools it can be fun, empowering and liberating.

I’m passionate about helping you deepen and elevate your relationship with yourself and to find greater mental wellbeing, so you can lead happier and healthier lives.