My story


In my early twenties I was loving London life to some extent, but I was living a life that was incredibly hectic and out of balance. I felt tremendous pressure to find my career path and to answer all of societies demands. My anxiety and stress levels were increasing and I developed a terrible sleeping disorder that started when I was around 20 years old until my mid-late twenties.

During this time a shoulder injury brought me to the physical yoga practice and simultaneously I had begun a meditation practice out of curiosity. With my sleep not very good at all and my anxiety increasing I decided to fully commit to my yoga and mediation practice alongside a CBT course for my insomnia. My yoga and meditation practice immediately resonated with me and had profound affects on my mental health. It was the first time I realised I was ok and pretty content underneath these spiralling thoughts and that I could have greater control over my mind and situation. I had dipped my toe into the magic of yoga and I was ready for more.

My personal practice of yoga, meditation, self-enquiry alongside the studying of ancient wisdom and the influence of many many people in the self-development and coaching realm life changing internal shifts began to happen. I started to feel more grounded in the uncertain and anxious times and felt more connected to myself. My outlook on life started to change and I began to manage my life better. My daily practice helps me to live a happier and fuller life, one where I’m more content, conscious and brave. Through my experience I wish to help others find this for themselves and to elevate them from the core of their being; like I’ve been elevated from mine.


Life Coaching with Mindful Talent Coaching

300 Hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Training in Yoga Psychology with Ashley Turner

200 Hour Yoga Alliance Teacher Training in Ashtanga Vinyasa with Yoga London

40 Hour Yoga Alliance Stead Of The Teacher with Suzanne Faith

90 Hour Teacher Training in Yin with Norman Blair

30 Hour Teacher Training in Yoga Nidra with Melanie Cooper & Jennie Wadsten

20 Hour Teacher Training in Mandala Methodology with The Yoga People

40 Hour Triyoga Pregnancy Teacher Training with Nadia Narain

“Thanks to Jess I’m mentally and physically stronger today than I could ever have imagined!

Her classes are uplifting not just for the body, but challenges and calms the mind too. She starts her classes with a short meditation, and an interpretation of an idea from yoga philosophy. She is great at bringing in what seems like a difficult idea and turning it into something you can benefit from throughout the day. The mood of her class is always positive, self-loving than self-critical. You’d want to come back time and time again. Jess makes it easier for you to have a consistent yoga practice!”