1-1 Coaching

I offer 1-1 coaching for inquisitive people who are looking to expand their awareness and deepen their understanding of themselves. My coaching incorporates a blend of modalities including mindfulness, meditation, breath-work, movement and neuroscience based practices.

I work with people for all sorts of reasons but I commonly attract people who want to live life more connected to their heart, reduce their stress and anxiety, build confidence, unwavering self-belief and are more connected to their intuition.

I offer a 30 - 45 minutes intro call to any who is interested to discover more about what coaching is, how it could benefit them and to see whether the chemistry is right between us.

“Working with Jess has been life-transforming. Her insightful coaching sessions have helped me navigate through my challenges with over-thinking, dwelling on the past and lack of self-belief.

Jess's empathetic approach, coupled with practical strategies, has empowered me to make significant positive changes in both my personal and professional life. I'm incredibly grateful for her guidance and support on this transformative journey.




You’re feeling stuck or going through a challenging time and you want to get some direction for you and your life. You want to get back into alignment with your heart, intuition, values and feel more fulfilled day to day.


You’re too much in your head and you struggle with your internal dialogue. Stress and anxiety dominate how you feel day to day and you wish to feel more grounded and free within.


You wish to widen you lens, shift your mindset and your relationship with your life. To bring the unconscious into the conscious so you can understand yourself on a deeper level, and begin to see what is getting in your way from feeling how you want to feel, and do the things you desire.


You’re going through an uncertain time or new chapter in your life and you wish to figure out and re think your top priorities and get clear as to what is driving you.

interested in coaching

Next steps…

  1. Book a 45 - 60 min intro call to see whether we’re the right fit and coaching is for you. 

  2. Confirm frees and a time that we can meet bi-weekly. 

  3. Session one is a deep dive into you where we look at where you’re at, where you’d like to go and we set the foundation for the sessions ahead. 

  4. The following sessions we begin to explore the journey to your vision and the actions you can begin to take to move towards that place.

  • “Working with Jess is one of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself. I love both her group coaching program and 1-to-1 coaching. They have been transformative for me. I have gone from living in a highly stressed state a majority of the time to feeling grounded and calm more often than not. I also live less in worry and more in a trusting state. I now have a series of tools in my toolbox that I can pull out and use when I am feeling anxious, unsettled, or ungrounded. These tools can turn my day around, and I know they are having a hugely positive impact on my health and my life experiences.

    Jess is warm and intuitive, and she has a brilliant gift for asking questions that have helped me uncover the answers and ideas I need to move forward and change the way I live my life for the better. I highly, highly recommend working with Jess! I am forever grateful that our paths have crossed!”

    - Alexi -

  • “Working with Jess has had a hugely positive impact on me and has been incredibly life changing. I have tried many different therapies to help with my anxiety but her techniques alongside her 1-1 coaching was the thing that helped me overcome years of chronic fear and anxiety.

    Anxiety and worry are not a big part of my day now. This is all thanks to Jess. When I look at the person I am today compared to the person I was before working with Jess there is such a huge difference. Jess is very knowledgeable and very approachable. She genuinely wants to help you on your journey. I highly recommend working with her.”

    - Deborah -

  • “Working with Jess has been the most successful and life-changing thing that I’ve done. I’ve shifted from being stuck in negative spirals and thought loops, too feeling more grounded, positive and abundant. It has been most efficacious. 

    The techniques and guidance Jess has provided have been invaluable.  I've tried various approaches over the years but this approach I connected with and felt progression and transformation from week 1 and continue to do so. Even when times are busy and hectic, I am able to draw on the grounding and sense of calm that I’ve cultivated and continue to cultivate through my daily practice. 

    If you want to create positive changes in your life, I can’t recommend working with Jess enough. This isn’t a short-term journey; it is the beginning of a lifelong journey to greater happiness and joy within.”

    - Joanna -