We all struggle with negative, fear-based and self-sabotaging thoughts at times. We all have daily stresses in our lives, which will always be the case, but our relationship to these stresses can change. It is possible for all of us to feel more grounded, resilient and calm, to have a deeper understanding of ourselves and more positive outlook on life.

If you’re stuck in negative thoughts, struggle with feelings of stress, anxiety and overwhelm, you’d like to cultivate more self-love and you want to start to consciously create your life, join me for a 16 week deep dive into yourself, to help you elevate your mind and elevate your life.


A 16 week course to help you understand your body & your mind better, master your thinking, overcome limitations, and consciously choose your output. Steeped in mindfulness techniques, neuroscience, coaching, yoga psychology and philosophy.

This course will transform your inner world and therefore your outer!

*In this video I state the course is 12 weeks. It is now 16 weeks following feedback from last time. I’ve added 3 break weeks to allow time for things to integrate and land.

This COURSE is for you if. . .

  • You struggle with feelings of stress, overwhelm and anxiety.

  • You struggle with self-sabotage, negative self-beat and judgemental thoughts.

  • You worry a lot and you struggle to overcome fear-based thinking.

  • You’re stuck in negative loops and you find it hard to focus on the positive

  • Your thoughts are stopping and blocking you.

  • You feel swept away by your emotions and in quite a reactive place.

  • You feel overwhelmed with life and everything you think you ‘should’ do.

  • You want more direction in your life and to feel more fulfilled.

There’s another way. . . .

  • You can feel more grounded and connected to yourself so you’re able to navigate stress in your life more efficiently.

  • Your mind can support you and become your inner ally.

  • You can respond from a place of TRUST and LOVE instead of fear.

  • You are aware of your self-worth and have the courage to act more from your heart rather than your ego mind.

  • You can begin to see life through a positive and abundant lens rather than a negative lens and one focused on lack.

  • You can interrupt what’s happening in the mind so you stop catastrophising and projecting negative outcomes.

  • Your more self-compassionate, less judgmental and more understanding of others and yourself.

  • You can catch and overcome thoughts that stop you and block you and begin to liberate your thinking!

  • You can be so intentional with your thinking and therefore your action taking! So life feels more in alignment with YOU.

Imagine if. . .

You could stay grounded and centred in the most turbulent times of your life and you weren’t so swept away by daily stresses.

You were less triggered by things happening around you and you could shift your mindset to see through a more positive and supportive lens

You had your back 100%, your inner voice fully supports you and you were less ruled by your inner critic

You could stand up to fear-based thoughts, lean into courage and act in a way that was in alignment to your heart.

You were less ruled by anxiety and worry and you could consciously project out into the world the energy you want to be. 

You saw life through the lens of appreciation and abundance rather than lack and scarcity.

Your mind fell on the positive bias and you were less ruled by your negative bias

“The Elevate Your Life course was exactly what I was looking for. I would say that the course has changed my everyday life significantly for the better. I feel more grounded and can think more positively. The relationship to my thoughts and feelings has changed, which makes things feel more easeful day to day.

I can only recommend Jess's work. Whether you are a spiritual beginner or an "old hand", Jess can accompany and support everyone on their personal journey with her warm, open and grounded nature.

Thank you dear Jess for all your love and warmth!”

- Maxi -


Date tbc - Week 1 : Ground Yourself

Date tbc - Week 2 : Learning to Self-regulate

Date tbc - Week 3 : Cultivating Curiosity

Date tbc - 1st Break Week

Date tbc - Week 4 : Rewiring Your Brain

Date tbc - Week 5 : Understanding & Befriending Yourself

Date tbc - Week 6 : Reading Your Emotions

Date tbc - 2nd Break Week

Date tbc - Week 7 : Addressing Fear & Widening Your Lens

Date tbc - Week 8 : Understanding & Deepening Your Meditation Practice

Date tbc - Week 9 : Taking Ownership

Date tbc - 3rd Break Week

Date tbc - Week 10 : Consciously creating

Date tbc - Week 11 : Understanding your resistance

Date tbc - Week 12 : Stepping into Abundance


12x modules across 12 weeks

3x break weeks for integration

1x Welcome LIVE zoom Call

1x Closing LIVE zoom Call

8x Additional LIVE zoom calls with Jess

(4x coaching & Q&A sessions and 4x movement & meditation sessions. Recordings to be shared and uploaded following the LIVE)

12x workbooks

(1 for each week of content, each week slightly different)

(Workbook roughly includes - weekly contemplative practices, self-discovery questions & affirmations)

20+ meditations, visualisations and breath practices

A community to share with and support you

Course is available to watch via website and through an APP

You have access to the course for 1 year

dates for LIVE ZOOM calls

*the below is subject to change

Date tbc - Welcome & Intro at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Date tbc - Gentle Movement & Meditation at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Date tbc - Q&A and coaching at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Date tbc - Gentle Movement & Meditation at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Date tbc - Q&A and coaching at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Date tbc - Gentle Movement & Meditation at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Date tbc - Q&A and coaching at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Date tbc - Gentle Movement & Meditation at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Date tbc - Q&A and coaching at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

Date tbc - Closing ceremony at 7.15pm - 8.15pm

*Please do not worry if you can’t make all the lives. The lives will be recorded and available for you to watch at your own leisure.

“I truly felt like a different person while I was taking the “Elevate Your Life” course with Jess and it continuously has a positive impact on me. I now feel incredibly equipped to cope with whatever life throws my way, while also maintaining a focus on what I want for my future. I can’t thank Jess enough for sharing all of her knowledge with us - it honestly felt so empowering!.”

- Averie -


12x modules across 12 weeks (Valued at £1,440)

1x Welcome LIVE Zoom Call (Valued at £90)

1x Closing LIVE Zoom Call (Valued at £90)

8x Additional LIVE Zoom calls with Jess (Valued at £960)

12x workbooks (Valued at £60)

20+ meditations, visualisations and breath practices (Valued at £100+)

A community to share with and support you (Priceless)

Total Value = £2,740

You get all of the above for…


“Doing Elevate Your Life with Jess has been absolutely amazing and helped me so much! I feel stronger, more positive, I feel capable, believe and trust in myself more and I have more confidence than I had when I started the course. 

I am going through a very challenging time in my life and Jess's techniques and exercises have been extremely helpful. 

Jess is very passionate, knowledgeable and truly wants to help people. She is an amazing teacher and I always look forward to practising with Jess because I feel so much better and more connected to myself afterwards. Thank you for all your dedication Jess.”



What if I can’t make a live?

If you can’t make a live call that is no problem. I will be uploading them to the course so you’ll be able to rewatch all the lives at your own leisure.

How many hours will I need to allocate each week?

There’s roughly 1 hour of content per week (some weeks a little less, some a little more).

You’ll need to allocate another 1-2 hours for the practices per week. This includes the daily practices you’ll be doing and the workbook.

I’ve designed the course so it’s not overwhelming and the flow of the course feels organic. Most the practices and thought processes you’ll begin to do in your day and they’ll become second nature.

What happens if I miss a week?

If you miss a week that is no problem. You can do the course at your own pace and own leisure. You have access to the course for 1 year and break weeks to ‘catch up’.

What if I want a refund?

If the course isn’t resonating with you, and you’ve done the first 3 weeks, I’ll offer a 70% refund. The decision has to be made within the first 3 weeks.

If you decide you haven’t got the capacity in your life right now to continue with the course, you can defer to the next year.

How much yoga is in the course?

I’ll teach 4 gentle movement, meditation and energy shifting classes. My intention with these is to help you raise your awareness of you body and mind and shift anything that feels stuck.

In terms of pre-recorded content there is little yoga but lots of breath-work, meditation and mindfulness practices.

Find me at : www.jessicabaccanello.com Instagram : @jessicabaccanello

Hi I’m Jess, 

I’m a transformational coach, yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher and guide. I specialise in helping people manage and overcome their stress and anxiety, elevate their minds and live a life more connected to their heart. I’m passionate about helping people feel more grounded and resilient so they can deal with the challenges of life more easily.

Mastering our thoughts and befriending our inner voice empowers us to lead the life we want to lead. What is happening in our mind is key to our happiness and what we attract. 

We are all capable of living the most full and vibrant lives but we all need practices to get us there and keep us there! And this is what I’m here to help you with.

I’m so excited to be offering this 16 week course of self-discovery, self-enquiry, mind mastery, positivity boosting and so so so much more!

What People Are Saying. . .


“Working with Jess has been transformational in the way that I respond to the word and see the world.

The exercises I learnt from Jess were easy to understand, simple to put into practice and immediately helped me. I’m generally a very optimistic and positive person but hands down attending Jess’s course changed how I reacted, processed and responded to difficulties in my life. Thank you Jess.”


“The course that I did with Jess has had a massive affect on how I live my life day to day.

I've been practicing and learning from Jess for over 8 years and she’s helped me feel more connected to myself, grounded and manage stress more efficiently. If you're looking to build a deeper connection with yourself and a more positive mind, I can't recommend working with Jess enough.”

- BETH -

“Jess has been such a positive influence on my life. Her guidance and teachings has led me to make the most positive changes for me and my life. I have such abundance in my life because of Jess. She continues to inspire me to do this work as a self-practice and I’m really seeing the positive affects flitter out into each day. If you’re looking to create a positive shift and uplift your life Jess is a wonderful teach to support with that.”

- Rachel -

  • “Working with Jess is one of the best gifts I’ve ever given myself. I love both her group coaching program and 1-to-1 coaching. They have been transformative for me. I have gone from living in a highly stressed state a majority of the time to feeling grounded and calm more often than not. I also live less in worry and more in a trusting state. I now have a series of tools in my toolbox that I can pull out and use when I am feeling anxious, unsettled, or ungrounded. These tools can turn my day around, and I know they are having a hugely positive impact on my health and my life experiences.

    Jess is warm and intuitive, and she has a brilliant gift for asking questions that have helped me uncover the answers and ideas I need to move forward and change the way I live my life for the better. I highly, highly recommend working with Jess! I am forever grateful that our paths have crossed!”

    - Alexi -

  • “Working with Jess has had a hugely positive impact on me and has been incredibly life changing. I have tried many different therapies to help with my anxiety but her techniques alongside her 1-1 coaching was the thing that helped me overcome years of chronic fear and anxiety.

    Anxiety and worry are not a big part of my day now. This is all thanks to Jess. When I look at the person I am today compared to the person I was before working with Jess there is such a huge difference. Jess is very knowledgeable and very approachable. She genuinely wants to help you on your journey. I highly recommend working with her.”

    - Deborah -

  • “Working with Jess has been the most successful and life-changing thing that I’ve done. I’ve shifted from being stuck in negative spirals and thought loops, too feeling more grounded, positive and abundant. It has been most efficacious. 

    The techniques and guidance Jess has provided have been invaluable.  I've tried various approaches over the years but this approach I connected with and felt progression and transformation from week 1 and continue to do so. Even when times are busy and hectic, I am able to draw on the grounding and sense of calm that I’ve cultivated and continue to cultivate through my daily practice. 

    If you want to create positive changes in your life, I can’t recommend working with Jess enough. This isn’t a short-term journey; it is the beginning of a lifelong journey to greater happiness and joy within.”

    - Joanna -