Do you feel strapped for time?

Discover mindfulness and time management strategies.

In today’s fast-paced world, feeling strapped for time is a common complaint. However, constantly saying “I’m busy” not only reinforces this belief but also makes it our reality. The narrative of being busy can trap us in a cycle of stress and overwhelm, making it difficult to find balance and peace. In this blog post, we’ll explore why we need to let go of the “I’m busy” mentality, how to recognise when busyness is taking its toll, and practical ways to create more space in your day through mindfulness and time management techniques.

The Power of Words: Letting Go of "I'm Busy"

When we constantly declare that we are busy, we reinforce a narrative that keeps us feeling overwhelmed. This belief can make us perceive every task as urgent and every moment as filled to the brim, leaving little room for relaxation or reflection. By saying “I’m busy” frequently, we convince ourselves that our schedules are unmanageable and our time is scarce, which in turn, exacerbates our stress levels.

The Addiction to Busyness

It’s important to recognise that many of us are addicted to feeling busy. There’s a certain thrill or sense of accomplishment that comes with being perpetually occupied. We may even derive our self-worth from how busy we are, equating a packed schedule with productivity and success. However, this addiction can lead to burnout and negatively impact our health and well-being.

Signs That Busyness Is Taking Its Toll

How do you know when busyness is taking a toll on you? Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Impatience: You find yourself becoming easily frustrated with delays, interruptions, or slow progress. Little things that never used to bother you now seem intolerable.

  • Irritability: You are more prone to snapping at others or feeling annoyed by minor issues. Your temper is shorter, and you might feel on edge more often than not.

  • Reactivity: You react emotionally to situations rather than responding thoughtfully. Your emotions feel heightened, and you might overreact to small problems or challenges.

  • Loss of Control: You feel like your emotions are controlling you instead of the other way around. You might experience mood swings or find it difficult to stay calm under pressure.

  • Fatigue: You feel physically and mentally exhausted, even after getting enough sleep.

  • Decreased Productivity: Despite being busy, you might find that your actual productivity is decreasing. Multitasking and constant distractions prevent you from completing tasks efficiently.

  • Difficulty Concentrating: Your ability to focus and concentrate on tasks diminishes. You might find it hard to stay present and attentive, and your mind often wanders.

  • Neglecting Self-Care: You skip meals, neglect exercise, or forgo relaxation time because you feel you don't have time. Self-care routines fall by the wayside, and your health might suffer as a result.

  • Sleep Problems: You experience difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up feeling rested. Your mind may race at night, thinking about all the tasks you need to accomplish.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed: You often feel like there is too much to do and not enough time to do it. This sense of overwhelm can lead to anxiety and stress.

Creating Space Through Mindfulness and Time Management

To break free from the busyness cycle, it’s essential to create more space in your day. Here are some strategies to help you do that:

Mindfulness Practices

  1. Mindful Breathing: Take a few minutes each day to focus on your breath. This simple practice will help you to regulate your nervous system and calm your mind. This is great to do in the moment and as a accumulative practice.

  2. Rest in being: In transition moments in your day e.g. just before you leave the house, before a meeting, after lunch, before you cook dinner or when you get into your car, tune in for a restful moment in being. Choose a song that you love and sit for 30 seconds up to 5 minutes and simply BE.

  3. Powerful statements: Have powerful statements up your sleeve to act as reminders such as ‘I give myself permission to slow down’, ‘I give myself permission not to rush’, ‘I choose to slow down’, ‘I choose to enjoy this moment’.

  4. Appreciate: To help you slow down and land you in the present moment pause and list the things that you can see and appreciate in that moment.

Time Management Techniques

  1. Prioritise: Ask yourself, what is my priority right now. You can only do 1 thing at a time so choose one thing and do that thing and then go onto the next thing.

  2. Time Blocking: Block time out in your diary for things that you want to get done but can’t find the time or different activities you simply need to do. Let this be a non-negotiable time to do that one thing. Let potential interrupters know that you’ve allocated that time to do X. Celebrate yourself once you’ve done the activity.

  3. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no to tasks and commitments that don’t align with your priorities. Protect your time and energy for what truly matters.


Feeling strapped for time is a common experience, but it doesn’t have to be your reality. By letting go of the “I’m busy” narrative and recognizing our addiction to busyness, we can start to reclaim our time and well-being. Pay attention to the signs that busyness is taking its toll and implement mindfulness practices and time management techniques to create more space in your day. Remember, a balanced and mindful approach to your schedule can lead to a more fulfilling and less stressful life.

If the above resonates with you then you might be interest to explore 1-1 coaching.


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