Finding Your ‘Authentic Voice’ As A Yoga Teacher

I apologies to all yoga teachers for the title of this blog. I used to loath the phrase ‘finding your voice’ and your ‘authentic self’… But hay ho, I wanted to grab your attention so I can help you with this and share my insights. 

I now know what it is to ‘find your voice’, as such, and below is how I believe a teacher finds their ‘authentic voice’. 

  1. Teach from your self-practice

I can’t stress this enough. Teach from your own experience. Teach from your self-practice. Make sure you have a regular self-practice and some sort of daily ritual / practice. 

Contemplate words and phrases that describe how your practice makes you feel. 

Think about your intention behind teaching something. 

Think about how you want to make others feel. 

Think about the journey you want to give people. 

If you like cues that other teachers say feel them out in your own practice. 

To teach authentically you have to be teaching from your self-practice! 

Make an effort to inspire your self-practice. Read around the subjects you’re interested in, do workshops and immersions.

2. Get clear on your story.

What is your unique story that has brought you to yoga?

We all have a story and sometimes we’re not aware of the deeper reason as to why we’re doing yoga and have committed to this journey of self-discovery and self-growth. 

Get clear on your story and tell people your story. 

It took me a while to figure out the actual reason that I’m a yoga teacher and why I keep showing up to do the practices that I do. 

When you get clear on your story you get clear on how the yoga has moved through you and transformed you.

3. Figure out your WHY?

This ties into your story… Ask yourself why you’re teaching? And then ask yourself again and again, why are you actually teaching? What is the deeper reason?

How do you want to help people?

What transformation do you want to offer people? 

How do you want to be in service ?

What value do you want to offer your students?

Of course when we teach 1 class there’s only so much we can offer BUT when we get clear on our WHY we show up in a different way. We aren’t trying to please everyone and are only interested in the people we touch and who resonate with us. 

Self-enquiry and self-discovery is the journey of yoga. Repeatedly ask yourself number 2 & 3 as your yoga journey evolves. 

If this speaks to you I’m running a powerful 8-week mentoring and self-discovery programme starting on Friday 14th October. There are 4 modules and in module 1 & 2 we’ll be diving deeper into the above. 

To learn more hit the button below. 


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