What’s disrupting your inner peace?

We can all do things to protect our inner peace but firstly we need to recognise what’s disrupting our inner peace. What is making us feel knocked off centre? Stressed out? Or respond from a reactive place?

Perhaps it’s… 

Your job demanding too much of your time so you’re exhausted and can’t look after you health. 

A friend who zaps your energy.

Loved ones who don’t consider your capacity and demand more and more.

You not prioritising sleep and burning the candles at both ends.

The house being messy and you can’t stay on top of it.

Negative thoughts that make you feel crappy.

The list goes on…. 

Once you’re clear on what disrupts your inner peace and depending on what it is ask yourself the below.

  1. Can I implement some boundaries around this thing? e.g. if you're exhausted because you're working too hard and this makes you snappy and unhappy. Ask yourself how can I set boundaries to get a better work life balance? Maybe it's finishing at a certain time each day and you tell work you need to do this for your wellbeing.

  2. Can I reframe my thinking? e.g. if you're irritated that your partner or flatmate hasn't done the dishes or emptied the bins can you reframe your thinking to notice what they have done. To accept the fact that people don't alway need to live to your standards or chat to them in a calm and friendly way and ask if they can help with this.

Listen to your responses and take action on the things that are causing you to feel knocked off centre and are stopping you from being your best self. 

And then ask yourself…. 

What contributes to my inner peace? What helps me be my best self? What brings me joy?

We need to know the answer to these questions as well so we can be aware of what serves us and prioritise time for those things. 

We get addicted to negative stories and the hormones they release and this can cause us to become stuck in patterns.

Taking Action 

Once you’ve contemplated the above write down some action points. 

For example…..

  1. Talking to your boss about how you’re feeling and tell them what time you need to finish work on what days so you can do something that brings you joy.

  2. Put your phone on flight mode or do not disturb when you want some quiet time and time for contemplation.

  3. Schedule in wind down time before bed. No TV, no phones perhaps a bath followed by some self-massage and reading in bed. Make sure you get into bed at your desired time.

  4. Say no to people if what they’re demanding is burning you out and explain that you don’t have the energetic capacity.

  5. Apply thought monitoring techniques to manage negative thoughts. Read more on this here.

If our life is out of balance in some way we need to take ownership of that and put action points in place to protect our energy. If we don’t then no one else will.


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