your thoughts are powerful

You are not your thoughts but your thoughts create your reality. 

The thoughts in our mind create the emotions and feelings we feel in our body. Our emotions and feelings create our actions and our actions create our reality. So what we are thinking and feeling is important in how our reality is unfolding. 

If you’re coming up against resistance and things aren’t unfolding as you wish this is a fantastic opportunity to do some self-enquiry.

Start by asking yourself these questions..…

What am I feeling? e.g. fear of something, anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, nervous, in lack etc.

What is the root belief behind this feeling? I’m feeling this way because I think I’m not good enough, I can’t do something or the situation won’t change etc.

What is the belief I need to adopt? Flip the belief that’s holding you back to an empowering and positive belief. Adopt the new belief.

What is / are the actions I need to take? Write down action points as if you’ve fully embodied the new belief already. Don’t allow the old belief to creep in and when it does call it out.

When we start to ask ourselves these questions we begin to challenge our conditioned mind and habitual programming.  


When we have a regular meditation practice we start to cultivate the skill of becoming an observer of our thoughts and simply witnessing them.

STOP for a moment…

Close your eyes and take a few seconds to observe your thoughts. 

What / who is it that’s observing your thoughts? 

We observe ourselves from the pure awareness that resides within us.

What starts to happen when we begin to observe ourselves from this place?

  • We create some space between us and our thoughts.

  • We lessen the attachment we have to our thoughts.

  • We become more aware of our tendencies e.g. what triggers us, if we slip into victim mode, blaming, defensiveness, when we catastrophise, negative bias is dominant etc.

  • We are able to see our emotions and regulate them more efficiently.

  • We are able to redirect unnecessary negative thinking patterns and invite other more empowering and positive thoughts.

Reading our emotions and seeing our thoughts is part of the journey in getting to know ourselves. On a larger scale it is part of the journey of falling in love with ourselves, which really is the crux of what this work is about.

If you’re interested in understanding and cultivating the witness perspective check out the below meditation.


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