5 ways to overcome comparison

Comparison makes us feel like we’re in lack. We’re not good enough. We’re not worthy enough. We’re not as good as others. Or thinking that we need to be better than. 

The above is just a frame of mind that we need to rework and shift. 

Try these 4 steps to help get you out of comparison mode and to elevate your inner world. 

shift to Inspiration 

When you catch yourself comparing yourself to others start to notice what it is about that person that you want to cultivate. Get curious as to why you’re feeling this way. Often when you compare yourselves it is showing you what you want and/or how you wish to grow. See if you can see that person as a source of inspiration.

Shifting from comparison to inspiration is not only a hugely liberating thing to do but you’ll start to move in a direction you desire.

Take action 

Once you’ve shifted your mindset from comparison to inspiration seek some help. Find someone who can help you move towards your desires. Find a coach, do training, speak to a therapist, brainstorm with friends etc, to help you take relevant action. There’s a whole plethora of coaches out there now, find someone that speaks to you and will help you grow in the way you desire. 

You won’t regret investing in yourself!


When we are comparing ourselves this comes from a place of feeling like we lack something and are not worthy. Start to shift the lens you’re seeing through by noticing the things you have in the NOW and appreciate in your life. We all have an abundant of things to be thankful for in our life.

Write a list of 3 things you appreciate in your life and why you appreciate them and 3 things about yourself and why. Do this daily.

This practice will help you connect to an inner feeling of abundance and see through through a more positive lens.


When I used to struggling with comparison I worked with the below affirmations. 

I’m not better than anyone else

No one is better than me 

I am enough as I am

Place your hands on your heart and repeat these affirmations.

Celebrate yourself 

Every day celebrate yourself. Celebrate your small wins, your big wins. Celebrate how far you’ve come and what you’ve achieved. This helps you to stop being so hard on yourself and reminds you that you are great and doing great! 

When you celebrate yourself it helps you to build a more positive relationship with yourself.

If you’re interested in exploring your inner world and overcoming patterns that are holding you back, I work with people 1-1 and support them on a journey of self-discovery.


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your thoughts are powerful