This is a topic that really resonates with me. So many of us our victims of life. It’s so easy to wish that we had this, or was like that person, or if only we had done that and then we could do this… bla bla. My recent motto is ‘stop wishing, start doing’. Each time I find myself wishing or longing for this or that I have firm words with my internal thoughts and realise that a lot of it stems down to having courage. Many moments or maybe every moment of my life that I’m proud of or has given me happiness and pleasure has come from courage – taking a step into the unknown.

I have a life long dream of living abroad by the ocean. I desperately want to make this happen but I’m scarred/fearful of something. And that something stems down to the unknown, what if?, failing, making the wrong decision. But what is worse……

1.     Never knowing and never taking the risk?

2.     Or taking the risk and it not working out how you might have thought?

The chances are reality will never play out exactly how you envision. Each of us are different and each of us have different risks to take but whether it’s a job you want that you don’t feel worthy of, or whether it’s a city you want to move to but you have no friends there, or if you want to start your own career… surely being courageous and going for it is the best answer?

There are sensible decisions and completely stupid ones so I’m not saying do something completely idiotic but follow your dreams, find it in your heart to believe in yourself and be courageous.

I hope this post inspires others and helps you find courage to believe in your ability. If you don’t believe in you no one else will. 


All very well to say we need it now we have to find it!

1.     Speak to a friend, a loved one that you trust who knows you and believes in you and write down 4-6 powerful, meaningful, short, snappy words or phrases that you can carry with you that will help you be courageous.

2.     Start looking into the unknown. If you’re someone that needs a bit of planning a bit of prepping, warming up, push yourself and start investigating looking deeper into the possibility of it actually happening.

3.     Believe it’s going to happen at all times! Even if you’re inner thoughts are telling you otherwise.

4.     Do everything in your power to make it happen. Write a list of all the things you can do. People you can email, things you can research, contacts you already have.

5.     Feed yourself with inspiration. Read inspiring books, watch Ted Talks, going to lectures, do things that you know will give you drive. Drive comes from within but we need to find the things that trigger that drive! 



