|| Stay curious to be present ||
One of the main reasons why I loved Burning Man so much (which many of my dear friends know about) is that it brings a child like curiosity out in you. There is so much random, beautiful, amazing, interesting, inspiring, sensational.. you get the point, things going on. It’s mind blowing. You suddenly find yourself being this curious kid cycling round the desert experiencing things for the first time, and it lasts a week!!! It's the first and only time in my life that for a whole week I was really living in the present moment and didn't even think about 'real life' for a second, until we had left.(It helped having no access to the internet or signal). If only we can find a way for every moment in daily life to be this interesting and engaging!
Even though routine can be great and work has it’s up and downs as does all relationships. We can still enter everything with a sense of curiosity. Even in our asana practice…. Even holding Virabhadrasana II (Warrior 2) for the umpteenth time you can enter it with a sense of curiosity. Each day is different, the body feels different, moves differently, is experience different things, each day something changes. Developing that sense of curiosity into everything that you do is a skill but also helps you be more focused and engaged. It’s like an ad blocker from boredom, negativity, judgemental thoughts, anxiety, doubt… you name it!
It’s something I’m working on and trying to bring into my everyday. Be curious in the moment and stop worrying or thinking about other things that most likely are irrelevant to that moment.